Interesting and colorful, the Baltimore Oriole can be distinguished by its flame orange feathers on a black head (male) and brown feathers with streaks of burnt orange (female). They are normally 6.5 inches in length and have sharp and pointed bills. As unique songbirds, the Baltimore Oriole male likes to sing a loud and flute-like whistle that gives away its location before it can even be seen. They like to nest on tall trees like elm and maple and they use various natural materials such as grapevines and bark for their nests.
The Baltimore Oriole mainly eats insects, berries and nectar. Feeders for the Baltimore Oriole are different from other types of feeders because they provide nectar, jelly or fruit. The feeder often consists of a vessel where the sliced fruits and nectars are placed. Oriole nectar is just a sugar water mixture that can substitute for flower nectar. Observations have shown that the Baltimore Oriole is most attracted to fruit and oriole nectar during their breeding period. During the rest of the seasons, they would prefer the small insects.
Feeders for the Baltimore Oriole are often made up of recycled plastic and poly lumber to prevent cracks or rots. Don’t forget to add a water source as well.