Ducks are mostly aquatic birds that are smaller than their relatives which are the swans and geese. They can be found both in fresh water and sea water. Male ducks of northern species often have vibrant plumage as compared to the less vibrant plumage of the females. During moulting period, many species of ducks are temporarily flightless as they seek out habitat with good food supplies and protection. Migration normally follows the moulting period.
During their young age, ducklings eat most of the time like chickens. As they grow older they gain the ability to store more amounts of food in their esophagus and thus eat less frequently. Ducks typically need a lot of protein and can be fed with complete-food pellets that are sold in the market.
In feeding ducks, most feeders used for other poultry often work for ducks as well as long as there is enough room for the large bill of ducks. If you wish to feed the ducks by hand feeding, trough feeders work great. You can also construct feed hoppers that will slide down easily into the bottom of the hopper as feed is consumed. Remember to allocate about an inch or two of feeder space per duck to avoid crowding.